Monday, December 9, 2013


For the longest time I would here people speak of this thing called Pinterest and I had absolutely no idea what they were talking about. My friend was kind enough to sort out my confusion and my first thought was "Really? This is just another useless website for people to waste away their lives on." Well I recant that thought because I have come to learn that Pinterest is actually a very useful site.
As a future teacher, I am always searching for nifty ideas and lessons that will capture the attention of my future students. Well Pinterest just so happens to have lesson upon lesson for any subject or holiday. I have come to the realization that Pinterest is a great tool to have as a teacher. You can communicate with others in the education field and find several interactive lessons for your students.
One lesson I found was an introduction to the scientific method. This lesson is a great way to have your students develop an hypothesis based on research they do independently. The students begin by answering considering the question, would a skittle dissolve faster in warm water or cold water? They then must do research using their textbooks or any other resources found in the classroom. Once their research is complete they have to come up with the hypothesis of which skittle will dissolve faster. Next they will perform the experiment, using a cup of warm water and a cup of cold water they will drop a skittle of the same color in each cup and stir at an even pace until both are dissolved.

 They should record the time as well. Once the experiment is complete they should draw a conclusion and review their hypothesis. If their hypothesis was wrong then give a short explanation about why they think that is.

I completed this assignment myself and included pictures above to ensure that it would be a productive and useful lesson for the students to conduct. Here is a link to my full lesson and rubric for the project

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