Monday, October 21, 2013

A Walk on the Fiery Side!

Hello! My name is Brandi Nicole Thomas. I am 19 and have started this blog as an assignment for a class, but in all honesty I'm excited to get to share a piece of me with all of you!
I was born in Bedford, Texas, but I have lived in Arkadelphia, Arkansas for about 12 years.  I have two sisters and a brother, so I don't exactly come from a sane bunch. My parents have worked hard to try and give us what they could in order for us to obtain successful lives. Life was never easy growing up and I can promise that the hardships I have faced haven't even been seen by some older adults. I grew up way before my time and have always had the mentality of someone much older than myself, so suffice it to say that reading my blog will not cause you to punch the screen because of some childish quarry someone is having with an obvious solution.
I currently attend Henderson State University while majoring in Early Childhood Education. I have wanted to be a teacher since I was about 8 years old and it is one of the constant passions in my life. I'm not one for the obvious (usually), but I will admit my reason for being a teacher sounds oh so cliche! I want to better the lives of those who will someday be responsible for our world. Giving the children of today a reason to love learning can only make this world a better place.
Now if I continue to keep up with this blog, I promise I will often mention my family along with my best friend. She is like my sister and we have been inseperable for about 6 years. The crazy thing is we have NEVER been in a fight! I'm not sure if that's a miracle or some really unhealthy suppression of anger, but I guess we shall find out with time.

I am always passionate about something if I believe in it. The title of this blog goes to show that I will hopefully be posting about things that make me question mentality, love, passions, hatred, and life in general. If you are unable to handle the fact that I am a very liberal person surrounded by close minded people this probably is not the place for you. My beliefs make me who I am and they seem to differ greatly from the southern agenda. I won't put anyone down, but if there is something I do not believe in you better believe I will let my side be heard. I am a fiery redhead, so certain things will cause me to get riled up, but I just want to share my point of view with all of you. If you choose to stick around I can promise I will fill your eyes with truth, bluntness, occasional sappy moments, and of course sarcasm. Hope you enjoy! :)

1 comment:

  1. I think your blog is super cute and love your heading! I find it crazy that you have lived in Arkadelphia for 12 years! Don't get me wrong, I love Henderson but Arkadelphia is very boring! Props to you, haha.
