Friday, October 25, 2013

Emotions? But whyy??

As a girl, we tend to be ruled by our emotions. Why does this have to be? Can we not just choose to be emotionless robots and go on with our lives? I brought this question up to a very good friend of mine. He asked me if  I had ever looked up the definition of a sociopath. I was quite confused by this question because I wasn't exactly sure how it pertained to our discussion. I replied no and he went on to explain that the main defining trait of a sociopath is a lack of emotion and empathy. I was a bit shocked because only moments ago I had wanted to be rid of my emotions. Did I really want to give up all my "feelings" and become a crazed sociopath? In all honesty, no, but I still don't want to constantly be in fear of an emotional outbreak that I can't control.
The fact that emotions try to play such a huge role in our lives whether we want them to or not still doesn't sit right with me, but being a crying, blubbering mess is better than a sociopath, right? Well that's my question for you, think about the times you really wish you had been able to control your emotions, but you let them get the best of you. Now tell me, would you rather be an emotional train wreck or just completely and utterly emotionless?


  1. Forgive me, for I am answering your question with a question. Why did human beings, or any animal for that matter, evolve with emotions? Many species have been proven to have some form of emotions, such as the sadness a wolf pack experiences when a member dies. Whenever there is a trait that appears in several species there must be a reason. Do emotions promote survival?

    1. Thats a very excellent point! I just don't understand why they try to rule every decision we make. Maybe that is just a question that will never really be answered.
