Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Social Networking? Good or Bad?

In the article The Rise of Sports Social Networking and Virtual Sports, Seth Williams discusses the benefits of social networking as it pertains to sporting events. He talks about how these networks help avid sports fans connect. It gives them a place to interact with others who share the same love of that specific sport or team. As a huge Longhorns football fan I can honestly say I love this aspect. It allows me to connect with those who are also Hook 'em Horns crazy! Another topic of this article is virtual sports betting. Social networking is making it simpler for people to gamble and bet on specific sporting events. This is definitely a downfall of the networks. Gambling is an addiction and allowing such easy access to these domains will absolutely cause problems.
Another very interesting article I found on the affects of social networking suggests that it can help people quit smoking. In the article Social networking sites may help smokers kick the habit, it talks about how the relationships and bonds people form with others trying to kick the nasty habit that enables them to do better themselves. These social networking sites help smokers who want to quit engage with others of like mindedness and they are able to help each other through their trying time. I think this is a wonderful way to use these websites. As a girl who grew up surrounded by those who smoked, I know what a disgusting thing it is. My grandfather died the day after my birthday due to the health issues caused by smoking, so I am all for anything that will help these people kick the habit. The relationship they are able to form can help them better their lives. I think that is a fantastic use of these life controlling networks, don't you?

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad to see somebody had a few different ways of looking at this than I did, it's nice to gain another persons perspective.
