Monday, December 9, 2013


For the longest time I would here people speak of this thing called Pinterest and I had absolutely no idea what they were talking about. My friend was kind enough to sort out my confusion and my first thought was "Really? This is just another useless website for people to waste away their lives on." Well I recant that thought because I have come to learn that Pinterest is actually a very useful site.
As a future teacher, I am always searching for nifty ideas and lessons that will capture the attention of my future students. Well Pinterest just so happens to have lesson upon lesson for any subject or holiday. I have come to the realization that Pinterest is a great tool to have as a teacher. You can communicate with others in the education field and find several interactive lessons for your students.
One lesson I found was an introduction to the scientific method. This lesson is a great way to have your students develop an hypothesis based on research they do independently. The students begin by answering considering the question, would a skittle dissolve faster in warm water or cold water? They then must do research using their textbooks or any other resources found in the classroom. Once their research is complete they have to come up with the hypothesis of which skittle will dissolve faster. Next they will perform the experiment, using a cup of warm water and a cup of cold water they will drop a skittle of the same color in each cup and stir at an even pace until both are dissolved.

 They should record the time as well. Once the experiment is complete they should draw a conclusion and review their hypothesis. If their hypothesis was wrong then give a short explanation about why they think that is.

I completed this assignment myself and included pictures above to ensure that it would be a productive and useful lesson for the students to conduct. Here is a link to my full lesson and rubric for the project

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Web 2.0 Tools

As a future teacher, it is always helpful to find innovative and creative websites that I will one day be able to incorporate in my classroom. Web 2.0 tools seem to be a nifty way to bring technology safely into lessons to make them fun and enjoyable. The following is a list, along with a summary, of some Web 2.0 tools I found interesting.

  1. PreZentit is a web based presentation site. It allows you to create presentations easily and they are web pages so you can even edit them manually. It also allows you to have multiple people work on them at one time. This would be a great tool in the classroom for group projects. Because this tool allows multiple people to work on the children wouldn't have to go through the trouble of getting together if they were unable to.
  2. WolframAlpha is not the normal search engine. It is a "computational knowledge engine." Instead of searching the web, they use built in data and logarithms to effectively compute the knowledge you are seeking. This would be very useful in the classroom for showing children step-by-step how to work a math problem. It would enable them to effectively see how to work specific math concepts.
  3. Student Publishing is a site that allows the anyone to become an author. It has the programs needed to write a book or comic book. It will help format and situate all the aspects of a good book. This would be a great way to allow the students to be creative. They could have all year to continuously work on a book of their very own for the final grade.
  4. Webspiration is a great way to improve writing skills. It provides a space to organize ideas and collaborations to effectively create any kind of writing assignment. Once organized it can be shared with chosen people or put to a website, wiki, or blog. This would be a great tool to help students organize their thoughts. They would be able to get all of their ideas together in one place allowing them put it all together in a very well thought out paper.
  5. WordItOut is a website that allows you to take any words you want place them in any order. They can be different font, colors and sizes. The more important words can be bigger and these designs can them be shared in multiple fashions. This would be a great introduction activity for the beginning of the school year. The students could each make one which would help them all get to know one another.
  6. Montage is a web-based service that creates albums of photos for any topic. Once the topic has been chosen the site will generate a collection of pictures and videos based on that topic. It uses all different sites including social media and YouTube to compile an album for your topic. In the classroom the students would be able to create a slideshow effect using this tool. With an assigned topic they could easily use this site to create their visual aide for a certain report.
  7. DebateGraph is a useful tool to help organize debatable topics. It allows groups to collaboratively organize different ideas about a specific topic. It helps to see each issue from a different perspective. In the classroom this would be a great way to get the children involved in different issues. They would have the freedom to share their beliefs and ideas in a safe manner and eventually be able to possibly write a paper or make a presentation on the different sides of an issue.
  8. My Studiyo is a fun site that allows anyone to create a quiz. It has quiz formats you can use to fit any style you might want. It also lets you add up to five quiz endings so the answers can be creative. this would be a creative way to have the children teach each other certain aspects of a topic. Once they have given their lesson they can create a quiz to go along with what they had to teach.
  9. Tux Paint is for bringing out the creativity. It is an easy program for drawing whatever comes to mind. It is meant for children 3-12, so they start with a blank canvas and have many drawing tools to choose from. This would be a good tool to use for the students to perhaps draw what they think might happen next in a book. It would allow them to be creative and come up with the next scenario of whatever the class might be reading at the time.
  10. FormatPixel is a fun site that allows you to make multiple different kinds of presentations. You can make brochures, magazines, and even portfolios. It also lets you insert images or videos of your choice. This would be a great way to have the children make a brochure or magazine for an event in history. They could act as if they were from a different time period and using their knowledge of that time create a brochure a magazine about what was going on.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Emotions? But whyy??

As a girl, we tend to be ruled by our emotions. Why does this have to be? Can we not just choose to be emotionless robots and go on with our lives? I brought this question up to a very good friend of mine. He asked me if  I had ever looked up the definition of a sociopath. I was quite confused by this question because I wasn't exactly sure how it pertained to our discussion. I replied no and he went on to explain that the main defining trait of a sociopath is a lack of emotion and empathy. I was a bit shocked because only moments ago I had wanted to be rid of my emotions. Did I really want to give up all my "feelings" and become a crazed sociopath? In all honesty, no, but I still don't want to constantly be in fear of an emotional outbreak that I can't control.
The fact that emotions try to play such a huge role in our lives whether we want them to or not still doesn't sit right with me, but being a crying, blubbering mess is better than a sociopath, right? Well that's my question for you, think about the times you really wish you had been able to control your emotions, but you let them get the best of you. Now tell me, would you rather be an emotional train wreck or just completely and utterly emotionless?

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Social Networking? Good or Bad?

In the article The Rise of Sports Social Networking and Virtual Sports, Seth Williams discusses the benefits of social networking as it pertains to sporting events. He talks about how these networks help avid sports fans connect. It gives them a place to interact with others who share the same love of that specific sport or team. As a huge Longhorns football fan I can honestly say I love this aspect. It allows me to connect with those who are also Hook 'em Horns crazy! Another topic of this article is virtual sports betting. Social networking is making it simpler for people to gamble and bet on specific sporting events. This is definitely a downfall of the networks. Gambling is an addiction and allowing such easy access to these domains will absolutely cause problems.
Another very interesting article I found on the affects of social networking suggests that it can help people quit smoking. In the article Social networking sites may help smokers kick the habit, it talks about how the relationships and bonds people form with others trying to kick the nasty habit that enables them to do better themselves. These social networking sites help smokers who want to quit engage with others of like mindedness and they are able to help each other through their trying time. I think this is a wonderful way to use these websites. As a girl who grew up surrounded by those who smoked, I know what a disgusting thing it is. My grandfather died the day after my birthday due to the health issues caused by smoking, so I am all for anything that will help these people kick the habit. The relationship they are able to form can help them better their lives. I think that is a fantastic use of these life controlling networks, don't you?

Monday, October 21, 2013

A Walk on the Fiery Side!

Hello! My name is Brandi Nicole Thomas. I am 19 and have started this blog as an assignment for a class, but in all honesty I'm excited to get to share a piece of me with all of you!
I was born in Bedford, Texas, but I have lived in Arkadelphia, Arkansas for about 12 years.  I have two sisters and a brother, so I don't exactly come from a sane bunch. My parents have worked hard to try and give us what they could in order for us to obtain successful lives. Life was never easy growing up and I can promise that the hardships I have faced haven't even been seen by some older adults. I grew up way before my time and have always had the mentality of someone much older than myself, so suffice it to say that reading my blog will not cause you to punch the screen because of some childish quarry someone is having with an obvious solution.
I currently attend Henderson State University while majoring in Early Childhood Education. I have wanted to be a teacher since I was about 8 years old and it is one of the constant passions in my life. I'm not one for the obvious (usually), but I will admit my reason for being a teacher sounds oh so cliche! I want to better the lives of those who will someday be responsible for our world. Giving the children of today a reason to love learning can only make this world a better place.
Now if I continue to keep up with this blog, I promise I will often mention my family along with my best friend. She is like my sister and we have been inseperable for about 6 years. The crazy thing is we have NEVER been in a fight! I'm not sure if that's a miracle or some really unhealthy suppression of anger, but I guess we shall find out with time.

I am always passionate about something if I believe in it. The title of this blog goes to show that I will hopefully be posting about things that make me question mentality, love, passions, hatred, and life in general. If you are unable to handle the fact that I am a very liberal person surrounded by close minded people this probably is not the place for you. My beliefs make me who I am and they seem to differ greatly from the southern agenda. I won't put anyone down, but if there is something I do not believe in you better believe I will let my side be heard. I am a fiery redhead, so certain things will cause me to get riled up, but I just want to share my point of view with all of you. If you choose to stick around I can promise I will fill your eyes with truth, bluntness, occasional sappy moments, and of course sarcasm. Hope you enjoy! :)